
USA Today: No need for nursing home if PACE [LIFE] handles senior care
Nice article about PACE / LIFE programs in the USA Today. LIFE stands for Living Independence for the Elderly. In most of the country, the same program goes by PACE – Program for All-inclusive Care for the Elderly.
New York Times: Health Care Delivered as It Should Be
Nice article about PACE / LIFE programs in the New York Times blog – “The New Old Age – Caring and Coping”). LIFE stands for Living Independence for the Elderly. In most of the country, the same program goes by PACE – Program for All-inclusive Care for the Elderly.
PACE Yourself
Nice article in Parentgiving about the National PACE (Program of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly) program. LIFE Pittsburgh is a PACE Provider based in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Washington Post: Federal program aims to keep seniors out of hospitals and nursing homes
PACE article in the Washington Post, Federal program aims to keep seniors out of hospitals and nursing homes. Note: LIFE Pittsburgh is a PACE (Program of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly) Provider.

Retirement’s not an option at age 96 for Benedictine nun
Pittsburgh Post Gazette article about LIFE Pittsburgh Participant, Sister Mary Damian. From the article,
Sister Mary Damian is 96 years old. Officially retired since 1985, the Benedictine sister still tutors foreign students and leads a Bible study at LIFE Pittsburgh, a North Side center for the elderly.
“I don’t feel old,” she said. “The only thing that makes me feel old is when I think that I was born in 1915 and this is 2011. That frightens me.”
Read the full article here.
Pittsburgh to Los Angeles, One Step at a Time
Article about LIFE Pittsburgh program that puts seniors on a virtual cross-country walk using pedometers to track progress and inspire exercise.
Get the full article here.
Mayor and City Council Declare
Mayor and City Council Declare “LIFE Pittsburgh Day” for the city of Pittsburgh – see the proclaimations here.
Watch Senior Showdown, sponsored by LIFE Pittsburgh!
LIFE Pittsburgh Tours
Come tour one of our Day Health Centers. LIFE Pittsburgh’s Day Health Centers provide both a social environment to combat the loneliness and isolation of living alone with on-site medical care and rehabilitation. Call today to make an appointment for a free tour!